Thursday, 29 September 2011

Taking it to the next level - Being a Promoter

There are a lot of parties in Singapore at night, and if you party a lot, it makes sense to find a way to support that lifestyle. One way is being a promoter for a club, and you know who these people are because they are always inviting you to parties and events at this club or that. Depending on their commission structure, they might get a percentage of the ticket sales, a percentage of the bar (usually 10%), commissions from tables, and most commonly a flat rate for the number of girls that they bring to the club. If you see these people, make friends with them. Promoters (the good ones) are very sociable people. In fact, they'll get your number and/or your facebook contact, or give you theirs readily. It's part of their business. Just knowing a powerful promoter puts you on mulitple guestlists in many clubs in Singapore, so it's definitely worth the investment in terms of time and energy.

Befriending promoters have other benefits as well. Some can bring you into the club without paying and bypassing the queue. More importantly, some promoters will want to work with you after befriending you, seeing you around at parties a lot, and looking at the people that you bring with you. What they do is create a guestlist for you and the commission is split between the two of you. This is how I got in the first place.

Most of the promoters I've met in Singapore tend to be girls, very few guys, and I'm not sure why this is the case. There's a status advantage for being a promoter, so it will raise your social value, and the hot girls will want to meet you.

Becoming a Promoter takes time. It's a skillset that is taught in the Ambassador class and is pretty powerful for upping your lifestyle to the next level. Suffice to say, you'll need to build social capital with the right people in a club to become a promoter. You'll want to be seen with women and bringing in business to the club. Girls are the currency of a club. Some see the graduation requirement for ambassador as a precedent for entourage game, but it can also be used to build a promoter lifestyle. That means you get paid to club. Pretty sweet huh?

Ideally, you'll want to hit that club at least twice a week just to be seen there and to build your social capital.

When you do become a promoter and you have a guestlist of your own. Then it's partyyy time!
Start spreading the word, and get paid for your lifestyle:)


Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The art of conversation (II): Drop the Pretence

Up until recently, I only knew 2 types of Genuine Interest Direct (GID).

1)The Standard long version: "I saw you doing X activity and I wanted to come over and tell you that I think you are Y adjective"

2)The abridged/club version: "You're so distracting, who are you?"

In a recent ambassador class, I learnt a variation of the the GID which is called "Drop the pretence".
What is "Pretence"? The Cambridge dictionary defines it as "A way of behaving that is intended to deceive people". A pretence is basically an excuse, like talking to a girl for 10 minutes on how the weather is today.You're not really interested, but it's an indirect way of striking up a conversation.  So dropping the pretence is a way of being genuine and also builds believability. Interestingly, other social guys like Chase Amante use it as well (he calls it the indirect direct), and it's been taught way back by guys like Sebastian Drake. Anyway here's how it goes:

"X excuse" Then drop the pretense. (Cut her off before she finishes her sentence) "Actually I just saw you standing there and I just wanted to meet you"

The X excuse should be used to pace the reality of the situation - in other words, it should be situationally relevant.

So if you're at a bookstore and you meet a girl, you can say:
"hey what do you think about this book? I think its really thought provoking. Then drop the pretence. Actually I just saw you standing there and I just wanted to meet you." (Cut her off before she finishes her sentence)

Alternatively, if for whatever reason you don't want to drop the pretence, you can just flow with the conversation and see where it takes you, as an option. No hard and fast rules.

So what are some good situationally relevant pretences? Here are some general ones:

Recommend something.

Get recommendations

What's the difference between x and y?

Have you tried the xyz drink?

You look like a starbucks pro. Have you tried xyz?
Do you prefer x or y? 
I've heard that xyz. What do you think about it?
-->Always give reasons for asking that question

Pacing the reality is really important. By making situationally relevant, you are able to connect with her present situation. I feel that this helps to bridge to the next topic (whatever it is) more easily, rather than come out from the blue. It also helps you to gauge whether she will be responsive, whether there will be language barriers (eg if she doesn't understand english) before you show some genuine interest. For some guys who have trouble using the GID directly, this should be a good alternative to use.

Have Fun!

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Recording your approaches

To measure improvement in the social arts, it can be useful to record your approaches and interactions. For me, in terms of approaches, I record the following information:

(1) Sets I opened
(2) Sets I hooked (number close or instant date)
(3) Sets I passed up.

(2)/(1) measures your hit rate, so you know how many sets you have to open, on average, to get a hit. The "hook" here refers to some event with tangible results, like a number close or instant date, and not the actual use of the term. A simple conversation can have many hook points, but that's another thing altogether.

(3)/(1+3) measures the percentage of opportunities that are passing by, girls that passed that you could have approached but you didn't take it.

So for example, on the way to meet T on 12 sept, I recorded the following:

(1) Sets I opened: 3
(2) Sets I hooked: 0
(3) Sets I passed up: 3

So for that day, my hit rate was 0%, and my pass up rate was 50%. That means I could have approached 50% more but I didn't, for whatever reason, I have to reflect. On average, my hit rate for GID is between 1/7 - 1/6 or 14-16%. I know that for every 7 or so sets that I GID, 1 should "hook". 

Why do I want to measure my Hit rate? This is useful when I need to do some goal planning. Say I need to bring 3 girls for the acolyte infield on rockstar night. I know that for 7 sets that I open, 1 will hook. So if I need to bring 3 girls, I need to approach at least 21 sets before rockstar night. This is also useful if you plan to bring social proof to a party coming up on your horizon soon.

There is also a conversion rate that I'm thinking about, ie how many numbers convert into lays, or how many first dates convert into lays, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet, or whether that is even useful.

Interestingly yours, 

Monday, 19 September 2011

Time Management

Where does all my time go...?

I recently found a way to manage my time better via the Pomodoro Technique. It breaks down your time into chunks of 25 minutes and teaches you a system to keep track of your time for tasks that you need to a research paper that I'm supposed to be writing now lol.

The ebook on the method is available on the link provided, or you can click here to download it. The method is named after the Pomodoro (Italian for Tomato) timer that is often used in a kitchen to keep track of time.

So that's 25 minutes of pure concentration time. And then a break of 5 minutes. If you have to break or do something other than the task while the clock is ticking, then you don't get to record a tick next to the task. One tick =  One Pomodoro. See how many Pomodoros it takes to complete your task. You get to take a 15 min break every 4 pomodoros.

The good thing about this is that there's an iphone app, so you can download it to keep track of your progress and productivity. It's called the Pomodoro timer. There's a more advanced version of the app for the ipad, but I haven't tested that yet. It looks really nice though., with in built features to keep track of tasks and to prioritise them as well.

Stay focused,

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Getting Tested for STDs...

As I got better in the social arts, I thought it might be prudent to go for a check up to clear me of any STDs. One girl I slept with before told me that I was her first...I later found out, a year later, that I was her seventh. That was a real shocker for me. I think, as a precaution, it might be good to go for a check up once every 6 months or so. A friend of mine, actually, his dad, used to make him go for a check up every 6 months or so. His dad wouldn't bother about what he actually did as long as he went for his check ups lol.

If you're in a University, they can usually do the checkups for you at a subsidised rate, and the medication that they give is damn cheap, especially the morning-after-pill. So if you're in a college and you can take advantage of this, go for it.

Otherwise, you can just google for STD clinics in your area. If you're in Singapore, the cheaper (government subsidised) medical centre is the National Skin Centre. Do be warned though, in the event that you are tested HIV positive, they will do a contact tracing and inform all your sexual partners. This is mandatory, apparently.

If you want have a discreet checkup, check out the DSC clinic. They won't do any contact tracing or anything like that, so it's much more discreet. They charge full rates, however, so it helps if you know what you want to test for. Do also check out the free condoms that they hand out at the entrance:)

Lastly, don't bother trying to get free testing by donating blood. It's not a comprehensive checkup, and if you lie on your donation form about the purpose for your blood donation (to get a free STD checkup), you are criminally liable so its definitely not worth it. If you happen to pass the medical screening but the patient who receives your blood gets some disease from your blood transfusion down the road, you are also criminally liable. So again, it's definitely not worth it. Don't do it.

Live Strong,

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Saturday, 17 September 2011

My most important lesson from David and the essence of Aura

If you would ask me one day what the most profound impact david has had on my life, I would reply that it has less to do with women, and more to do with myself.

Learning with David has opened my eyes. I hate that cliche expression but I don't have a better phrase that describes it so well. He's opened my eyes in terms of what is possible, but more importantly, he's taught me to be comfortable with myself, what I have, and how to be assertive. It's interesting how such qualities go a long way in life and not just in the academy. These lessons were not taught in the lectures that he gave, they were given to me in the 1-1 interactions between us. Early on he mentioned that the 1-1 would be the true value that he was offering. Personal access to him. He was right.

My perspective of the leveling system in aura mirrors that growth. When he first introduced the leveling system in aura, I thought to myself "Nah he's just making us jump through hoops. No way am I going to do his stupid infield tests. I'm just going to stay at apprentice with everyone" But as I saw the excitement build up around the apprentices at the time on the first rockstar night, I decided to give it a shot. David told me to approach these girls, and I did. It wasn't that hard, but I didn't realize that others had much more difficulty with it. Because my promotion came so easily, I took it for granted. It would be another 5 months before I would graduate to ambassador.

The level system, as I see it now, represents different levels of growth.

As an apprentice, you're just starting out. You have to learn what's in the dark before you can face it. Your graduation requirement requires you to demonstrate that you can face the darkness and charm 3 girls to bounce with you. Such a skill is foundational for later skill sets.

As an acolyte, you start to have an awareness that you might have some control over that darkness. The essence of the acolyte level is the social circle, which takes a long time to form, but it will serve as a council for you as you grow from strength to strength. The test of such an ability is the graduation requirement of 3 girls together, united and by your side. It also demonstrates your ability to bring social proof when you need it, which is very important.

At the ambassador level, you get the sense that you could actually become a real mover and shaker in the underground. A lord, if you will, of the darkness. You fight at a level that most people are unaware of. You influence and build social networks in a way that is unheard of. People don't know what you doing, which is both natural and in a very big way. You think on a more macro level. The graudation requirements are hard. Like playing a game on nightmare mode. There are no saves, you have to take more risks, tougher enemies and go at it with all the skills you've learnt in the previous 2 levels. If you make it, you become a master.

What's at mastery? I don't know. From what I heard from David, it seems that its a more workshop style. Who knows. At that time, your aura will probably be so strong your presence will be felt.

It's the journey that counts, not the end.


Ps: Has anyone looked up the meaning of echelon? ;)

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Friday, 16 September 2011

Approaching on the train

On the way home today, I decided to open a set on the mrt. I've been putting this on hold for very long as I've never been very comfortable opening a set in such a socially confined space.

I saw a tall girl standing next to the mrt pole and GID her. Hers's our conversation:

Her: You know, you shouldn't pick up people on the train
Me: why is that?
Her: it's awkward. Don't you think this is awkward?
Me: yeah. It's a bit awkward. <2 afa questions> what's your name?
Her: C
Me: Hi C, where are u going?
Her: I'm heading home at xx stop
Me: oh, I'm heading to yy stop. I live there.
Her: I see. Thanks for you complement by the way, but I have a boyfriend.
Me: wanted to say that you look like the kind of girl that would have at least 2 boyfriends, but it was too early for that. huh. What do u do btw?
Her: I'm a musician
Me: what do u play?
Her: The guitar

At this point, it would have been a good idea to SnQ.
But I tried to get into a more comfortable power position with my back to something and I managed to do that but I miscalculated and lost the set when she didn't follow me to my nice little power position.

Oh well. It was a good try.


Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A date with T

T, a friend of mine that I recently hooked up with, invited me to her Pilates class. I always thought that Pilates is for women but since she invited me I decided to check it out. One of the nice things about having female friends is that they will invite you into their world if they like you enough, and then you can explore the feminine side of things.

Pilates is tough man. It involves difficult poses that involve muscles that we don't normally use. After the class, the instructor invited me to the front and asked me to do some of the exercises again. She was spot on some of the muscles that I need to train up, such as the back extensors and my lats. Hats off to the Pilates instructor. I have new found respect for the women every where who do Pilates.

T and I had dinner and then we went for a walk. We eventually wound up at her place, but because her housemates were around we went to the roof. There's a great view of the area from the roof, which is a good 13 stories high. For some reason, there was a mattress there as well. I guess someone must have left it there to sun it. It was a logistical godsend.

I've never had sex on a rooftop with a nice mattress before. It's actually a nice experience, if you don't mind the possibility that someone from another rooftop might be spying on you from the darkness. Some girls like that thrill of having sex in public.

My only concern is that the mattress might have had bugs, but I think we're fine. I don't think the owner of the mattress would be very happy in the morning though, we left quite a mess for him behind:)


Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Monday, 12 September 2011

Date with J

J is a beautician that I met at a local spa centre. She was very friendly, helpful and easy to talk to so I got her number and asked her out. It took a few tries but she agreed to meet me last night for dinner.

I find that girls take it really well when you complement them on their dressing, especially if they dress up for you. J was wearing really dressy sandals and that was the first thing I said when I met her at the mrt near my place. Dinner was at an eatery near my place, and then to a familiar roof garden in the area for isolation.

Sometimes you never know what a person is like until she tells you her lifestory. I love listening to life stories, it gives you a great sense of who the person is, what the person has experienced, and why the person is the person I see today. As she is talking and sharing, she's giving you investment, both by talking (doing the work) and sharing her private information. You don't have to constantly think of how to drive the conversation, which leaves one less thing for you to worry about.

J shared how she came from a family that used to run a traditional family medicine business, and how she eventually wound up in Singapore working in a Spa. She showed me some pictures on her phone, which included a few pictures of tattoos. I was surprised that she had a few tattoos on her body, and in the relative isolation on the roof garden she showed them to me, one on back just below the neck, and the other just above her bum. She also has a naval ring, which she undid and pulled out the stud for me to examine. Wow. I couldn't tell any of this just by looking at her...she looks so nice. I was reminded of a quote by Zan Perrion:
"The more a girl likes you, the more virtuous she will appear"
Apparently, in her younger days, she was an extreme party goer, short skirts, hard liquor, late nights, boyfriends. Now that she's older she's mellowed a lot. I listened to her as I caressed her tattoos.

I took her back to my place but not long enough to seduce her. She needed to get home for work early tomorrow, so I didn't force it. Some times patience is needed for these things. I bade her farewell and hoped to see her again.

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Overcoming Approach Anxiety and Meeting People Naturally

Approach Anxiety (AA) is something that we all feel when meeting people. The extent of the AA can be quite bad for some people, especially those starting out in the social arts.

The key to overcoming AA is finding good experiences. That means that until you have that one good experience, its going to be difficult for you to grasp with that fear, and you will always be making excuses for why you didn't approach. To quote David:

"Social confidence is a situational confidence. It takes experience and practice"

When you're first starting out, you'll feel AA in most social contexts, in most social settings. However, when you get more comfortable, and competent, you'll feel less AA, and even none at all in that particular social setting.

For me, I've become comfortable approaching in certain clubs, especially in ones where people are there to mingle and network. I am, however, a lot less comfortable in approaching on the Mrt. I've never had a good experience on the Mrt, because I've never tried. Zero. I have never opened a set on the Mrt. The excuse that I have in my head all the time is that if I get blown out, people (and the girl) will look at me for the remainder of the trip. It's a social pressure thing. (But then again I know that nobody knows me on the train anyway, so I really shouldn't be all that bothered-it's an excuse, and I'm aware of it) 

Until I find that one good experience, this is going to be my sticking point.

Another thing that can help your AA is to set a time limit. For example, that you'll leave the venue in one hour. I've tried this with several Aura members and it's helped them overcome their AA that evening, especially in a club. It's funny how in the last 20 minutes or so, they will abandon all social anxiety and approach freely. I advise you to try this for yourself as well if you don't believe me. Bring a wing to hold you accountable to the time.
One other thing that can help reduce your AA is to build positive momentum. You can read about David's experiences with an evening with negative momentum here, and I'm surprised to find that it even affects a lady-killer like him. To pull a quote from that article:

"Negative Momentum. It’s a killer. We as social beings, especially us introverts, have a natural tendency toward negative momentum. If we do nothing, or if we act our normal introverted selves, we generate negative momentum." 
"Every minute that accumulates between the time you leave your home to the time you actually finally have a conversation with someone will result in generating negative momentum."

So, try to be the social man every single day. It helps to keep your momentum going. I found this to be true myself. I feel a lot more social and able to meet people if I've spent the day with discussion groups and friends, as opposed to a day spent at home and then going out to a club.

One last thing that I need to incorporate into my mindset(yes I'm guilty of this too):

"When you call the activity of going out to meet girls ’sarging,’ you set it apart from what you do in the rest of your life. Rather than thinking about meeting and attracting girls as just a part of their everyday lives and an expression of their natural and ideal personalities, they instead isolate it to some clearly demarcated and now anxiety-ridden time and place."
"Stop acting as if chatting up that cute girl in the bar is something special or out of the norm. You’re just being social!"
Stay Strong,

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Friday, 9 September 2011

Date With S

I invited S, the girl that I had met at a opening of the royal room, a new high end club in Singapore, to an eatery near my place. Like I mentioned in a previous post, S is easily one of the more attractive women that I've asked out on a date. I'm surprised that she was available to meet me tonight.

On a date, it's important to remember the 5Cs of dating- cheap, convenient, changing time and location, contrasting emotional highs and lows. Of all the 5 Cs, the most important one, arguably, is conversation. This is a good time to run S&Q pieces, and escalate whenever possible.

My date was chatty, which was good and I didn't have to make so much of an effort to keep the conversation going. I seeded a bounce to a scenic spot nearby early on in the dinner so she knew that we were moving somewhere else later. In the end, my logistical plan was to take her home, and we bounced back to my place after an hour or so. In my head, I had several contingencies - if she wasn't quite ready to go back to my place, there is a great ice cream parlor that we could head to with seats that we can cuddle on. There's also a harrys if we want to grab drinks. Lastly, there's a park nearby if I want a place to isolate her and escalate.

Bringing her home wasn't straight forward-she didn't want to come back with me at first. I had to lead her home, and then surmount obstacles like my dad, before bringing her to my room.

Once in my room, in relative isolation, it's much easier to carry the seduction forward. Place stuff on any chairs and areas that could be used for sitting-You want her to sit your bed as soon as possible. Have one or two interesting pieces in your room that you can talk about. I have a italian painting of the navigli area in Milan where I used to stay, and that's a great story. I have a glass board that I write stuff on things that I need to do, which gives her a glimpse into my life. I also have a sports trophy from junior college, an autobiography of Tony Blair and an iPad. So there are quite a few things that she could pick up on. My date asked about the painting, good choice:)

She chose to sit on the bed, and I turned off the light and laid next to her. There was not much persuasion needed actually. She cuddled with me as she shared her life stories, but she still didn't want to kiss me. I had to play a game to get her to kiss me lol. But she sounded sad, and jaded. I think next time, I shall try to make my date as happy as possible before kissing and making love to her. I wonder if it will make a difference.

We made love in the morning, and then she left shortly after. I hope to see her again soon.


Singapore Dating Academy: Aura

The art of conversation (I): S&Q

The core of David's verbal technique is Screening and Qualifying (S&Q). Screening is basically seeing if someone meets your standards, and Qualifying is rewarding them for meeting your standards. He has written an excellent article on it here:, so I won't touch so much on the actual S&Q sequence.

Instead, I would like to share some of the conversion threads to help along the process of screening.
Bascially, if you are having trouble elicting conversation from a girl, she's giving you one word answers, or you just want to keep the conversation flowing, you can try one of the following 3 screens:

  1. Where you don't know what she's talking about. "Tell me about it"
  2. Where you want to find out what she likes about whatever she just told you. "What do you like about X?" (This is great for investment as well)
  3. Open-ended/Multiple threading. "What's your best experience with X?"
Here's an example:

Me: You look like a musical person
She: Yes
Me: What do you play?
She: Chinese Drum
Me: 1. (if you don't know what a Chinese Drum is) Tell me about it
       2. (if you want her to invest & find out more) What do you like about playing the Chinese drum?
       3. (Open-ended) What's your best experience playing the Chinese Drum?

Whatever she says after, you can qualify her with whatever you want. "That's so cool!", "I like that about you", "You're so gifted" etc.

The above sequences have worked for most conversations that I've had. If you can think of scenarios where it won't apply, let me know:)


Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Logistics: What happens when you live with your parents?

I remember David saying that when you get good, all you have to manage is Logistics. I also hear this from other social artists in the field. One dating company, apparently, focuses solely on teaching their clients how to manage logistics. So yeah, logistics are important.

So what is logistics? There is a class in the acolyte level on managing logistics, but to sum it up, it refers to managing "Friends, public and private spaces, distances, time, the environment, emotional direction and mini-logistics" There's a lot to be said about those variables, which I just took off his slides, but that's not really the focus of this post. The question that I heard more often, when it comes to logistics in Singapore, is this:

"Dude! I met this girl at the club and I wanted to bounce her somewhere so I can close her, but I didn't have anywhere to bring her to! I can't bring her home because I live with my parents!"

I asked David about this problem before, and he broke it down for me. Basically, you have 2 choices: Short term and Long term fixes.

The Short term solution requires really solid planning and logistical awareness. This means that on the night of the seduction, you plan to close her in one of these areas:

  1. parking lot
  2. void deck
  3. handicap toilet
  4. budget hotel (or a fancy one if you can afford it)
  5. Dark corner/isolated grass patch
  6. Her place (if she lives with someone)
  7. ...basically any place available that night that you think you'll be undisturbed. It depends on your creativity.
The problem with the short term solutions is that it's mostly once off. And most girls don't want to have sex with you again if you're always going to do it at handicap toilets (It's not romantic they say)

Now in the long term, however, you have the following options:
  1. Sex in your car (if you have a car)
  2. Move out and get a place of your own
  3. Condition your parents (and family) to accept that you are going to be bringing girls home (And they will be leaving in the morning lol)
David advocates number 2, which in all honesty, is a bit odd in the Singaporean context. We just happen to live with our parents. We had a discussion once where David was sharing how young adults move out of their parents home when they are of age, and its a cultural norm there, so he never really had to deal with this problem. He made certain comparisons between the rental rates in New York and Singapore and how they were comparable (Cheaper even in singapore?) and that if that's done in New York, it can be done here. 

But that's an expensive option, to be frank, and a bit strange in Singapore.

The only other option available is number 3, which I think takes a bit of time to implement. You basically have to get your parents to see you bringing many girls home, and then progressively to your room. It takes time to condition them. At some point, your parents will probably ask you what you're doing bringing so many girls home, and you need to manage that by telling them that you're actively dating and this is the way that you want to do it. Be strong, be firm, and make sure that this is what you wantbecause it will cause friction within your family for some time. You need to be of the frame that this is normal for me and that I am man enough to bring girls back to my home.

On a side note, if you have over friendly parents, like mine, that will offer cookies and drinks to any guests and ask them about what they do, you need to manage that as well. Tell them to tone it down;)

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lets talk about a framework...

The Framework that is taught at Aura is the VIB model. Value, Investment, Believability. That's it. From there, it branches into a myriad of different subtopics on how to build the individual aspects of Value, Investment and Believability, and there are many classes that focus on the theory and techniques to build all of those components, but that's for another time.

Generally speaking, as a social man, you want to rank highly on all 3 attributes. With those 3 in place, you'll have a much easier time building rapport with anybody, not just girls. Unfortunately, Value and Investment moves in tandem, but Believability moves in the opposite direction. A man with high Value and Investment but low Believability will be branded a player, and you'll have trouble sustaining a relationship. In fact, you'll often hear questions like "Why do you like me?" or "Do you tell this to all the girls?". This means that they like you, but they don't think that you're being genuine about them. Believability can be managed by being genuine, proper Screening & Qualifying (SnQ), reassurance and vulnerability, just to name a few techniques.

In other words,

  • High value, High investment, but low Believability? --> Player

What about other scenarios? What happens when you have...

  • High value, low investment, but high Believability? --->"Just friends". This is bad. You're not "Friends", but rather you're stuck in the friend zone. Take a break and try again.
  • Low value, High Investment, High Believability?--->"Honest Guy in an arranged marriage". I don't think any of you guys are in this situation. 
  • Low value, high investment, but low Believability?--->"Dictatorship". This is how Kim Jong ll gets his women!
  • Low value, low investment, but high Believability?--->"Loser". This is where most guys are at when they are starting out. You're just being yourself, and the girl believes you, but you're just not offering enough value for her to be attracted to you.

The VIB model is a good way of thinking about how you are right now, and of course, since value is relative, the scales of the VIB are in flux depending on the girl in question. Most of the girls that I meet are around my age and I am relatively reassured of my value, but over the weekend I happened to meet an ex-investment banker who is well travelled and is a former pageant contestant, and I am meeting her again tomorrow for dinner for the first time since I met her. I think, in all honesty, that the value scales are stacked against me this time. This is unless I happen to hit her niche values (ie she is looking for someone just like me). Otherwise, I have to work on increasing my active and passive values, as well as universally attractive traits. But hey, it's all a learning experience right?

By the way, you can read about building believability here:

Have fun!:)

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA