Friday, 16 September 2011

Approaching on the train

On the way home today, I decided to open a set on the mrt. I've been putting this on hold for very long as I've never been very comfortable opening a set in such a socially confined space.

I saw a tall girl standing next to the mrt pole and GID her. Hers's our conversation:

Her: You know, you shouldn't pick up people on the train
Me: why is that?
Her: it's awkward. Don't you think this is awkward?
Me: yeah. It's a bit awkward. <2 afa questions> what's your name?
Her: C
Me: Hi C, where are u going?
Her: I'm heading home at xx stop
Me: oh, I'm heading to yy stop. I live there.
Her: I see. Thanks for you complement by the way, but I have a boyfriend.
Me: wanted to say that you look like the kind of girl that would have at least 2 boyfriends, but it was too early for that. huh. What do u do btw?
Her: I'm a musician
Me: what do u play?
Her: The guitar

At this point, it would have been a good idea to SnQ.
But I tried to get into a more comfortable power position with my back to something and I managed to do that but I miscalculated and lost the set when she didn't follow me to my nice little power position.

Oh well. It was a good try.


Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

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