Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lets talk about a framework...

The Framework that is taught at Aura is the VIB model. Value, Investment, Believability. That's it. From there, it branches into a myriad of different subtopics on how to build the individual aspects of Value, Investment and Believability, and there are many classes that focus on the theory and techniques to build all of those components, but that's for another time.

Generally speaking, as a social man, you want to rank highly on all 3 attributes. With those 3 in place, you'll have a much easier time building rapport with anybody, not just girls. Unfortunately, Value and Investment moves in tandem, but Believability moves in the opposite direction. A man with high Value and Investment but low Believability will be branded a player, and you'll have trouble sustaining a relationship. In fact, you'll often hear questions like "Why do you like me?" or "Do you tell this to all the girls?". This means that they like you, but they don't think that you're being genuine about them. Believability can be managed by being genuine, proper Screening & Qualifying (SnQ), reassurance and vulnerability, just to name a few techniques.

In other words,

  • High value, High investment, but low Believability? --> Player

What about other scenarios? What happens when you have...

  • High value, low investment, but high Believability? --->"Just friends". This is bad. You're not "Friends", but rather you're stuck in the friend zone. Take a break and try again.
  • Low value, High Investment, High Believability?--->"Honest Guy in an arranged marriage". I don't think any of you guys are in this situation. 
  • Low value, high investment, but low Believability?--->"Dictatorship". This is how Kim Jong ll gets his women!
  • Low value, low investment, but high Believability?--->"Loser". This is where most guys are at when they are starting out. You're just being yourself, and the girl believes you, but you're just not offering enough value for her to be attracted to you.

The VIB model is a good way of thinking about how you are right now, and of course, since value is relative, the scales of the VIB are in flux depending on the girl in question. Most of the girls that I meet are around my age and I am relatively reassured of my value, but over the weekend I happened to meet an ex-investment banker who is well travelled and is a former pageant contestant, and I am meeting her again tomorrow for dinner for the first time since I met her. I think, in all honesty, that the value scales are stacked against me this time. This is unless I happen to hit her niche values (ie she is looking for someone just like me). Otherwise, I have to work on increasing my active and passive values, as well as universally attractive traits. But hey, it's all a learning experience right?

By the way, you can read about building believability here:

Have fun!:)

Singapore Dating Academy: AURA

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