I invited S, the girl that I had met at a opening of the royal room, a new high end club in Singapore, to an eatery near my place. Like I mentioned in a previous post, S is easily one of the more attractive women that I've asked out on a date. I'm surprised that she was available to meet me tonight.
On a date, it's important to remember the 5Cs of dating- cheap, convenient, changing time and location, contrasting emotional highs and lows. Of all the 5 Cs, the most important one, arguably, is conversation. This is a good time to run S&Q pieces, and escalate whenever possible.
My date was chatty, which was good and I didn't have to make so much of an effort to keep the conversation going. I seeded a bounce to a scenic spot nearby early on in the dinner so she knew that we were moving somewhere else later. In the end, my logistical plan was to take her home, and we bounced back to my place after an hour or so. In my head, I had several contingencies - if she wasn't quite ready to go back to my place, there is a great ice cream parlor that we could head to with seats that we can cuddle on. There's also a harrys if we want to grab drinks. Lastly, there's a park nearby if I want a place to isolate her and escalate.
Bringing her home wasn't straight forward-she didn't want to come back with me at first. I had to lead her home, and then surmount obstacles like my dad, before bringing her to my room.
Once in my room, in relative isolation, it's much easier to carry the seduction forward. Place stuff on any chairs and areas that could be used for sitting-You want her to sit your bed as soon as possible. Have one or two interesting pieces in your room that you can talk about. I have a italian painting of the navigli area in Milan where I used to stay, and that's a great story. I have a glass board that I write stuff on things that I need to do, which gives her a glimpse into my life. I also have a sports trophy from junior college, an autobiography of Tony Blair and an iPad. So there are quite a few things that she could pick up on. My date asked about the painting, good choice:)
She chose to sit on the bed, and I turned off the light and laid next to her. There was not much persuasion needed actually. She cuddled with me as she shared her life stories, but she still didn't want to kiss me. I had to play a game to get her to kiss me lol. But she sounded sad, and jaded. I think next time, I shall try to make my date as happy as possible before kissing and making love to her. I wonder if it will make a difference.
We made love in the morning, and then she left shortly after. I hope to see her again soon.
Singapore Dating Academy: Aura
Sounds like you had a good encounter. I always end up spending far too much on dates, especially on the ones i've been on with lovestruck singapore it just seems as if it's expected for the man to pay and it's rather awkward and considered even rude if you ask to split the bill.